Dear reader,
In this Tigray Digest, we come with the latest news regarding the hunger crisis, as the WFP food aid has still not resumed (section
1). Further we address the accountability for war crimes (section
2), and the occupation of Western Tigray that has not been lifted despite the CoHA (section
3). We announce some upcoming conferences where the Tigray crisis will or could usefully be discussed (section
4); and we congratulate all colleagues who published new papers on the humanitarian situation in Tigray in high-impact scientific journals (section
5). The last section provides links to some other recommended publications.

© La Libre Belgique
Hunger and starvation in Tigray
“The World” is a broadly listened public radio magazine in the US and Canada. Early July, they have interviewed
Cameron Hudson, senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, on the interruption
of WFP food assistance and the food crisis in Tigray. Please take five minutes to listen to Cameron Hudson’s very sharp analysis:
The World, 5 July 2023. 200% increase in ‘severe acute malnutrition’ in Tigray, UN says
'Not on my watch:'
WFP executive director McCain vows Ethiopia food theft won't happen again. However, she declined to provide a timeline for when the new tracking and tracing system would be rolled out and food
distribution could resume in Ethiopia. She said the government ‘is becoming more transparent’ and is ‘willing to work with us a little more,’ but that WFP still needs ‘assurance’ (Devex, 19 July 2023).
Getachew Reda, president of the Tigray Interim Administration, participated in a large
Tigray meeting at Denver (US) on 22 July and
stated that
one of the things he wanted to do during his stay in the US is to discuss with USAID and US government the possibility of reconsidering the decisions they made regarding food aid. There are doubts in some quarters whether
he might manage to secure these meetings, because the US would be wary of ruffling feathers with Addis Ababa.
And also:
Reuters, 10 July 2023:
Hunger haunts Ethiopia's Tigray region after years of war (with video report)
The Guardian, 29 June 2023: ‘We blame government and aid agencies’: food relief thefts in Ethiopia leave those in need with
Jan Nyssen, André Crismer: Au Tigré, toujours en proie
à la famine, l’aide alimentaire a été suspendue (La Libre Belgique) [in French] (In Tigray, still plagued by famine, food aid has been suspended)
Vatican News, 4 July 2023: Caritas: Food aid suspension in Ethiopia
is 'inhumane'
Addis Standard, 29 June 2023: Tragedy strikes
Abiy Addi IDP Camp as hunger claims hundreds of lives in Tigray, thousands remain in peril
AFP, 4 July 2023: Ethiopia's Tigray sees 'sharp increase' in hunger: UN
Tigrai Television, 9 July 2023: Tigray Health Research Institute reveals 88% of households in Tigrai affected by food insecurity
Addis Standard, 7 July 2023: MSF
pleads for immediate resumption of food distributions after recording alarming rise of acute malnutrition in Ethiopia
Lord Alton questioned
the UK Minister of Foreign Affairs about when the UN’s food assistance in Tigray will be restored – reponse: When the investigation into corruption is completed. Starvation is the consequence….
Accountability for war crimes
We need to continue insisting on the gravity of human rights abuses that have occurred in the Tigray War. In Ethiopia, accountability, reparations, and atonement for the wrongdoers are necessary for reconciliation to
Kenya Human Rights Commission, 10 July 2023: First-of-its-Kind
Civil Society Monitor Finds Disturbing Gaps in Tigray Peace Deal
Aaron Maasho and Martin Witteveen:
An indifferent world looks on
as Ethiopia obstructs justice for Tigray (The Guardian)
New Lines Magazine, 18 July 2023: The
Sexually Violated Women of Tigray Demand Justice
BBC, 7 July 2023: Ethiopia
Church apologises to followers in Tigray over war. (Note that the apology concerns failure to deliver humanitarian assistance, but not their overall support for the war on Tigray.)
Addis Standard, 11 July 2023: Orthodox Patriarch, delegation return to Addis
without meeting Tigray religious leaders
Ethiopian Watch (African Civil Society Organisations):
Monitoring of Six Commitments Under the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement
The Luminos Fund, 29 June 2023:
Examining Levels of Learning Loss, Trauma, and Resilience in Children, Parents, and Teachers in Tigray, Ethiopia

© The Luminos Fund
Western Tigray
On 18 July, the Ethiopian Cable published an editorial “Ahistorical claims to western Tigray”, in which our work on historical maps is largely cited. I can forward the Ethiopian Cable (Issue 190) upon request.
The database itself has also been strongly expanded, yet confirming the earlier findings:
Nyssen, Jan. (2023). Western Tigray in 165 historical and 33 ethno-linguistic maps (1475-2014)
(v. 7.1). Zenodo.
See also:
Tigrai Television, 30 June 2023: Tigray Interim Administration
warns Ministry of Education to correct constitutional transgression. (This comes following Ethiopia’s Ministry of Education report compiled schools in Western, Northwestern, and Southern Tigray
under Amhara Region)
Labzaé, M., 2023. Wolqayt, la terre promise et ses limites. Mobilisations nationalistes amhara, foncier et bureaucratie
dans la guerre civile éthiopienne (2016-2022) [in French] (Wolqayt, the Promised Land and its limits: Amhara
nationalism, land, and bureaucracy in the Ethiopian Civil War (2016-2022)).
Critique internationale, 99 (2): 109-130
Addis Standard, 8 July 2023: Amhara
region says activities kicked off to resolve identity, boundary issues with Tigray region through referendum
Tigrai Television, 19 July 2023: Tigray Interim Administration says Ethiopia's Ministry of Health's report compiling districts of Tigrai under Amhara
Regional State violates constitution of the land and disturbs the ongoing peace process.
The Economist, 9 July 2023: War crimes in Tigray may be covered up or forgotten (satellite images
suggest burial grounds in Western Tigray are being burned)
Upcoming conferences
International conference “Victims and Transitional Justice”, organised at Ghent University, 13-15 March 2024.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 September 2023.
AGU23, session on “Advances in Earth Observation and Monitoring Impact of Armed Conflict on Ecosystem Services”: (strict abstract submission deadline: 2 August)
GAPSYM16 - International conference “Knowledge production, research ethics and authorship in African contexts”. Save the date:
13-14 November 2023 – University of the Western Cape (hybrid format). There will be several
presentations concerning Tigray and Ethiopia.
International Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Conference “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75: Rethinking and Constructing its Future Together” 6-8 December 2023 - Ghent University, Belgium.
Scientific publications
Asgedom, Akeza Awealom; Abirha, Birhanu; Tesfay, Askual; Gebreyowhannes, Kelali; Abraha, Hayelom; Bugssa, Gessessew; Abrha, Mesele; Tsadik, Maceh; Gebrehiwet, Tesfay; Gebreyesus, Aregawi; Desalew, Tilahun; Alemayehu, Yibrah; Mulugeta, Afework.
(2023). Unimproved water
and sanitation contributes to childhood diarrhoea during the war in Tigray, Ethiopia: a community based assessment. Scientific Reports. 2023. 7.
Fisseha G, Gebrehiwot TG, Gebremichael MW, et al., 2023.
War-related sexual and gender-based violence in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia: a community-based study.
BMJ Global Health 2023;8:e010270.
Gesesew, Hailay; Kebede, Hafte; Berhe, Kenfe; Fauk, Nelsensius; Ward, Paul.
(2023). Perilous medicine in Tigray: a systematic review.
Conflict and Health. 17.
Hagazi N, Hadgu K, Tafere B, Mokria M, Birhane E, Abiyu A, Hailemariam G, Aynekulu E, Gebrekirstos A, Kassa H, Garrity D, Bourne M, Winowiecki L, Vågen T, Minang PA and Bräuning A. 2023.
A Guide to Landscape Restoration Initiatives: Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation with Evidence and Lessons from Tigray,
Ethiopia. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Nairobi: World Agroforestry (ICRAF).
Kidane, Gebretsadkan; Zereabruk, Kidane; Aberhe, Woldu; Hailay, Abrha; Mebrahtom, Guesh; Gebremeskel, Gebreamlak; Haile, Teklehaimanot; Teklemichael, Desalegn. (2023).
to recovery from severe acute malnutrition and its predictors among under five children admitted to therapeutic feeding units of general and referral hospitals in Tigray, Ethiopia, 2020: a prospective cohort study. BMC
Pediatrics. 23.
Lemlem Fitwi Weldemariam, Patrick Sakdapolrak, Ayansina Ayanlade (2023).
Household food-security strategies and migration in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. Scientific African. e01801.
Nyssen, J., Negash, E., Van Schaeybroeck, B., Haegeman, K. and Annys, S., 2023.
Crop cultivation at wartime–plight and resilience of Tigray’s Agrarian Society
(North Ethiopia). Defence and Peace
Economics, pp.608-645.
Obermeier, Anna Marie; Håvard Strand & Georgina Berry (2023)
Trends in State-Based Armed Conflict, 1946–2022,
Conflict Trends, 1. Oslo: PRIO.
Phillips, James; Roy, Charlotte; Mulugeta Gebregziabher. (2022).
The international humanitarian response to famine in Tigray, Ethiopia: Lessons from the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1970.
Global Health Action. 15.
Weldegiargis, Aregawi; Abebe, Haftom; Abraha, Hiluf; Abrha, Meron; Tesfay, Tsegay; Belay, Rieye; Araya, Alemnesh; Gebregziabher, Mengish; Godefay, Hagos; Mulugeta, Afework. (2023).
Armed conflict and household food insecurity: evidence from war-torn
Tigray, Ethiopia. Conflict and Health. 17.
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Jan Nyssen
Em. Senior Full Professor
Department of Geography
Ghent University
(0032) 9 264 46 23